New company & office in Budapest, Hungary

OFRIM Group,, is happy to introduce his new member, the company SciTEST Solutions Kft, located in Budapest, Hungary.

As most of you know, this new event in our group and the new group member was one of the most important goal of our business strategy for 2013. Mainly, the new company will be involve in electronics, electrical engineering and scientific test solution, hardware and software, engineering and distribution, too.

We expect better and better business results and one of the most important position of our group in the market, especially for South-Eastern Europe.

Effective immediately, all references regarding the Hungarian market should be sent in copy to us in Romania, InterNET Ltd, and to the following location:

SciTEST Solutions Kft
8, Aranyeso ut.
H – 1184, Budapest, Hungary

Tel.: +36 1 295 1046
Fax: +36 1 700 2215

Contact: Mrs. Etelka Nagy, Office Manager